Sunday, 14 June 2015

That shows you a train on the bridge.

Here we see two trains under the newly completed bridge door on level one, going in different directions. The train in the background is in a siding on the incline.

This is a photo showing 2 layers on the opening door giving acces to the middle.  Both layers lift together creating a very heavy opening lifting door.  It took a long time to design and get it to work.  A piece of circuit board was used to make it more solid to ensure the tracks will continue to stay in the right place.

This shows a picture of the bridge door open.  The silver coloured metal plates stops the wood getting bashed when it goes down.  

This shows the same but from the other side.

 This gives you an idea of how strong it is so that it will last for many years.

The circle is nearly complete now.

This is a picture of the hinged opening.   The rods are made from a meter long rod cut into smaller pieces and filed.  Washers, bolts and nuts are solder to prevent them moving.  This now completes the circle with an opening that can be lifted up with the hinges on the right hand side.  Both layers move together.  It will be completed to look like a bridge.

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