Saturday, 11 July 2015

This is a picture of me starting to build a hill. Under the bridge there will be a river and behind that there will be a watermill. There will also be a waterfall.  On the other side of the bridge there will be another hill.  

I have decided to make more sidings at the back on the bottom layer.  This was planned later as I did not know if it was possible in terms of the lifting door position.

This is the same but seen from the other end of the layout.

This picture shows 2 edward Thomson steam engines from 1948 up to 1962.  One engine is not strong enough to manage the incline as it is very steep.  Each train has 6 volts and I find that it works a bit better.

This shows you the storage space under level 2 giving storage to 6 trains

This shows you 2 trains at the siding

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