Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Lock for canal boats, this section can fold up and down.

Overview showing bottom layer storage siding and control panel. 

Harbour for container ships and tug boats, leading out to the beach and sea.

Sliding door into the mountain to allow access to track. 

Main line over canal. 

Coal hopper for steam trains. Blue Mallard locomotive below.

Engine shed for diesel trains. 

Canal barge 

Sunday, 30 July 2017

This is a picture of the turntable and at the back are two tracks for coaches and wagons.

This is a picture of level 2,3 and 4

This picture also shows four sidings for steam engines. Two tracks behind it are for coaches or goods wagons.

This is a picture of the coal hopper for steam engines. Also 3 engine sheds for 6 diesel trains and an 11ft train station to be built.

Here you see level one and two for trains that go right round the circle.  The engine shed at the back holds two eleven feet trains.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

This is a view of the level two with a big train station that I am planning just now.

This is a photo of the proposed turntable area linking level 2 with level 3.

This is a picture of 3 double track engine sheds. It is level 2 you see now that I have screwed the boards down so now you cannot see the 13 trains below.
At the far end on your right you see the 009 track being prepared for level 4 scene for trams on N gauge track.  Trams are narrow gauge with 00 gauge bodies but the model I have has N gauge wheels to fit the tracks.  I built these a few years ago.  

This is a close look at level 4 tram line under construction.

This shows you a bit more of the tram line behind the church.

This is a picture of where the 00 trains will go under the bridge and trams above at level 4. The holes are to be covered with lift-of scenery to fix derailed trains.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Here you can see a bit of the wall on the left where there will be a hill which can lift giving access to the tunnel in case of derailing.  This tunnel is 5m long and give access all along the tracks.  On top there will be scenery.

This shows you the structure for the mountain which can lift up to give acces for derailing trains.

This shows you the mountain area lifting up and a new section of wall at the back.

This is a picture of a trapdoor so that I can stand on to give me more space. Here it is open.

Here the trapdoor is partially closed.

And here it is fully closed.

This is a picture of the board that is to add more water to the layout, here it is folded down.

Here it is folded up to create water for ships, beach and harbour.